About ASR

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Advanced Scientific Research

The Advanced Scientific Research (ASR) is a non-profit international association for the engineers and the computer scientists. ASR was founded by a group of engineers and computer scientists in 2010, originally as a private club network for its founding members. Later, with the efforts from its members, ASR membership became open to all the members in the engineering and computer science community. Nowadays, the ASR members include research center heads, faculty deans, department heads, professors, research scientists/engineers, experienced software development directors and engineers, and university postgraduate and undergraduate students etc., from over one hundred different countries.

ASR is the global association of productivity and efficiency professionals specializing in Engineering, Social Science, arts, industrial engineering, healthcare, ergonomics and other related professions. ASR is where these varied fields come together to advance the engineering profession through networking, training, and knowledge sharing.

ASR is an established key player in the world of engineering and technology. We value our members, Our excellence in professional development and our national reputation. ASR is now taking forward the challenges of future. It will ensure that the role of engineers and technologists in various industries that have an impact on our daily lives is understood. ASR takes on the role of developing, promoting and announcing the progression of Electrical Science and transfers the technology to its Professional Members and, in turn, members of the global community. ASR operates throughout India in several cities and has more Professional Members as well as institutional Patrons.

Our goals are to promote the co-operation between the professionals in various fields of the engineering and to cultivate an environment for the advance and development of the technology. Our objective includes:

  • Promoting the interactions between the engineers.
  • Advancing the application of engineering techniques from the academics to the industry.
  • Facilitating the exchange of information and ideas among the engineers and scientists freely.

ASR seeks to bring together individuals, and institutions and Govt. agencies & industries and Education to evolve and develop Engineering practices in India. Apart from upgrading the professional skills of its members, ASR also aims at the following:

  • To spread the benefits of Engineering Education to the les privileged.
  • To advance the status and roles of engineering practice.
  • To facilitate interaction between members of Engineering Societies throughout the world.
  • To represent the opinion of Members of the society ,on matters related to the objects of society.
  • To promote the values of Engineering and Technology and its applications.
  • Promoting continuing education and training.

ASR is your Gateways in assisting to get the International Professional Membership ASR is the most relevant professional Organization from all those working in the field of engineering and technology both in the private and public sector who wish to share their practical experience and improve their art and skills for the benefits of themselves in their career development and for the wider benefit of various disciplines of engineering. So it is essential for engineering professional to apply for membership to upgrade their technical status. Many of these benefits and opportunities are outlined below:

  • Membership provides for regular members to have access to journals. These award winning magazines target hot topics about Science, Engineering, management to provide members with a valuable resource for keeping pace with the rapidly changing technology in the mobility industry.
  • Members can purchase ASR International technical papers and publications at member discount prices so does in conference.
  • Members receive free registration at ASR lecture meetings and exhibits. This unique benefit puts the members in touch with other professional engineers and suppliers who determine the future of the expanding mobility industry worldwide.
  • Access to international research results and experiences.
  • Contacts with colleagues all around the world.
  • International forum for presenting and initiation of projects.
  • Use of the various member services such as financial assistance to Organize Conference, Workshop, Seminar Funding (only for Life time members with minimum 100 Students Members from institution).

Engineering is a rewarding fulfilling career. ASR commitment is to provide update resources and a highly developed structure that will enable our members to meet the complex challenges of the modern world. Membership is a solid evidence of an individual's commitment for enhancing his or her technical knowledge, practical skills and exposure.

ASR is a growing network of Engineering Professional Society having world-wide link to update technical knowledge for their members. There are four main types of membership, two for individuals and two for organizations:

Associate Members:
Associate Membership is non-voting, but as members, Associates can submit ideas & business plans participate in all initiative reviews and participate fully in all Membership Meetings and Initiatives. This provides a unique advantage to network with the other stack holders of the foundation. Associate membership is free for the students of the Center of Excellences, Institutional Members, Professional bodies, universities, research institutes, and other organization types as defined by the 3E Innovative Foundation Governing body. Submission of valid Identity Card is mandatory for this Membership.

Individual Members:
Individual Membership is with voting rights and is entitled to hold office and contest election for the office bearers of the Chapters and committees. As members, individual can submit ideas & business plans participate in all initiative reviews and participate fully in all Membership Meetings and Initiatives. Apart from unique advantage to network with the other stack holders of the foundation and eligible for special offers and benefits offered by the foundation or partnering organizations as per the category of Individual Membership. Individual membership is a paid membership and of three categories viz. Silver, Gold & Platinum for the individual from Academia & Industry like Educational Institutions, Universities, Research institutes, Corporate Houses, Self Employed, Professional bodies, Government &Non Government organizations and other organization types as defined by the 3E Innovative Foundation Governing body.

Organization Members:
Organization Members are commercial or non commercial organizations that commit working towards innovation, entrepreneurship skills and social accountability for their internal development initiatives and/or act strategically building initiatives, products and services, or with, 3E Innovative Foundation. These organizations want to participate and influence in the development of the Corporate Social Initiatives. This is a paid membership. Nominees of Organization Members have voting rights and are entitled to hold office and contest election for the office bearers of the Chapters and committees. As members, representatives can submit ideas & business plans participate in all initiative reviews and participate fully in all Membership Meetings and Initiatives. Apart from unique advantage to network with the other stack holders of the foundation and eligible for special offers and benefits offered by the foundation or partnering organizations. Each Organization member will also have a voting representative member on the Chapter Governing Body(Type of Chapter will depend on their geographical area of participation) allowing them direct influence over the strategic direction and influence over the themes and priorities of the Chapter initiatives and programs. Organization Members have access to detailed intellectual property data and policies to foster further trust and use for starting and participating in projects and working groups relevant to their industries with a goal to improve productivity.

Education Institution Members:
Education Institution Members are educational societies, universities, professional bodies and research institutes that commit towards fostering innovation, entrepreneurship skills and social accountability for their internal development initiatives of their students and/or act strategically building initiatives, products and services, or with, 3E Innovative Foundation. This is a paid membership. Nominees of Education Institution Members have voting rights and are entitled to hold office and contest election for the office bearers of the Chapters and committees. As members, representatives can submit ideas & business plans participate in all initiative reviews and participate fully in all Membership Meetings and Initiatives. Apart from unique advantage to network with the other stack holders of the foundation and eligible for special offers and benefits offered by the foundation or partnering organizations. All the students of the Education Institution Members are eligible for the Associate Membership and its benefits. Each Education Institution member will also have a voting representative member on the Local Chapter Governing Body allowing them direct influence over the strategic direction and influence over the themes and priorities of the Chapter initiatives and programs. Education Institution member are expected to lead one or more of the initiatives or projects and have representation on the Planning and Development Council. This allows Education Institution members to have direct input into the Planning and Development of the various initiatives and researches.

Honorary Members:
Eminent members of the education profession or persons of high scientific attainment or managerial practices from any country may be nominated as honorary members (if so approved by the Global Governing Body). Members desirous of proposing such members must send details of the person with contact information to the Executive Director. The total number of honorary membership in a Chapter irrespective of National Affiliating/ Regional or Local shall not exceed 10 at any time. An honorary member will not be entitled to hold office or vote at any meeting. This Membership is strictly by invitation only.